Friday, 10 February 2012

Work In Progress Show

Last week the fourth fear Visual Communication/Communication Design students had the Work In Progress show, a show of prequel to the degree show in June (eek.) 
It was the Glue Factory, in Glasgow, which scrubbed up pretty well but was BLOODY freezing.
The work however looked great and apparently it was the best WIP show in several years.

Above is the work I had in. My blurb was 'an exploration into the journey of the self,' which sounded very pretentious but I suppose it was. At the top I had a map with contours marking out the landscape of a group of islands (have a look at my website to see where those contours started). This was a sort of map of my current journey through life/in my head/metaphorically/something. There was a key next to it naming the areas such as, 'Forest of Uncertainty', 'Bay of Possible Happiness'.
 Below that were two ink drawings of a dense forest, with a poem along side it. This was sort of supposed to be looking more closely at the area of the 'Forest of Uncertainty.'

On the shelf along the bottom was a row of jars with a collection of strange substances in them. These contained intangible things such as forgotten dreams or troubling memories that had been collected along the way!
Now I've had to explain it, it actually seems to fit together and follow some sort of theme, which is good to know!

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