Raft of the Gaia.
This is a spread I did for my Illustrative Activism class. The assignment was to create an illustration to go along with
this article by James Lovelock, a climate scientist with controversial views about the state of the earth. He reckons that the damage we have done to the earth is now irreversible and in a matter of decades 7 out of 8 people will be gone with only the coldest climates at a bearable temperature to live.
My piece references "The Raft of the Medusa" by Gericault, with a landscape over taken by windmills. Not sure this image really shows it's full quality. I added the nuclear barrels in there too as Lovelock figures it is the best way of powering our countries, windmills are not going to help, according to him, as it is too little, too late. I guess I was trying to create a scene where everything Lovelock has predicted has come true. We have tried in vain to save the situations by filling seas with windmills but it was pointless and the remaining few members of the population are out at sea.
Not sure if I agree with Lovelock or not, but it's definitely an interesting point of view.
Click on the image to give it a better look!
UPDATE: I got an A!!!